
The challenge of ageing

Letter to the editor. Photo by Megan Fisher

Maggie Turner-Miguel, Shepparton

John Lewis recently wrote of the dilemma of ageing — or more to the point acknowledging that we are now at the wrong end of the pointy stick. I have done my three score years and ten and then some, so I give myself little challenges. One of the things that I do when on a busy Bourke St tram is to test my balance. I firmly plant my feet and do not strap hang or take to leaning, and as the tram hiccups from one end of town to the other I pride myself in not falling. But shock-horror! Last week a young person approached me with the words — “I insist you take my seat, ma’am”. “Insist”! “Ma’am”! Well, the mirror does not lie. Perhaps I shall continue to walk the distance.