Elmore Primary School students (back row) Thomas Lonsdale, Genevieve Messfeldt and Ruby Pierson, and (front row) Isla Maber, Charlie Dwyer, Aiden Lonsdale and Tommy Hodgens are part of a 150-year school history. Photo: Emily Donohoe.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Students across the region are into the swing of the school year, with classes returning over the past two weeks.
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While preps took their first steps into the gates, the Year 12 class of 2025 had one of many ‘lasts’ - the last first day.
Elmore Primary School student Ruby Pierson gains air time during a game of hopscotch.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
At Elmore Primary School, the 26 students followed a long line of first days, entering the 150th anniversary year of the school.
Sesquicentenary celebrations are planned, including an in-school, official ceremony and a fair day set for late March.
The 150-year anniversary event will take place on Saturday, March 29, with current and former students and staff, as well as the wider Elmore and school community, invited to join.