Dick Clay is disappointed in the proposed plans for the Wilf Cox Complex.
Photo by
Jemma Jones
The planned renovations at Kyabram’s Wilf Cox Complex have disappointed a lot of people.
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Among those shocked to hear the news was one of Kyabram’s most famous sporting products: four-time Richmond premiership player, Hall of Famer and one of the club’s only nine Immortals, Richard “Dick” Clay.
The dressing room named in his honour at the complex will be one of the areas affected if the current council plans for the $3.2 million rebuild go ahead.
On hearing the news at a recent function at the complex, Mr Clay said he was proud the dressing rooms at the complex had been named in his honour more than 30 years ago, but was equally disappointed and disillusioned to find out about the changes.
‘‘I was so grateful and honoured when it got named after me because I had spent all my younger days in the town before my VFL/AFL career,’’ he said.
‘‘To me that now seems to be all forgotten in what has been proposed.’’