Another round of children have graduated from Kyabram Fauna Park’s Junior Park Rangers program this week.
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The program is aimed at young disengaged or at-risk students, encouraging them to continue attending school and build up some of the skills that will make them want to stay.
Program educator Izzy Paholek said the program followed the students’ interests over the weeks.
“We follow their interests and really focus on what the students want to do to get them engaged and want to be here,” she said.
“That means getting involved with lots of the animals, doing some feeding and some cleaning. Each day, each session we’d explore different parts of the park.
“We also did programs like a sustainability one where we buried some rubbish just to show what happens when you throw it out at a tip, how long it doesn’t break down. So we learnt some lessons about biodiversity as well as sustainability and things like that.”
The program is loved by the kids who take part, with some of the animals a highlight.
“I think the students really loved the kangaroos. They really enjoyed going down there and feeding them and really learning all the facts about them,” Ms Paholek said.
“I loved going there several times and each week they were like ‘I remember last week when you said this’, and so it was lovely to see they really engaged with that.”
Ms Paholek, who began working at Kyabram Fauna Park earlier this year, said the students had been a really special part of the experience.
“It’s so good having a younger generation that’s so interested in this,” she said.
“I feel lucky to be able to be part of their journey in re-engaging in school and learning and driving that love of learning.
“It’s so good to have a younger population here really getting to appreciate the park itself.”
The program aims to bring students out of their shell and help re-engage them with both school and their education.
Ms Paholek said it was very special to go on that journey with students and to be able to see their growth.
“I love seeing the confidence in each kid and just the learning that they come out with,” she said.
“Each week they learn something new or they bring information with them. They just had a really good time.”