11am First bus tour of Kyabram (leaves from rear of Kyabram Town Hall)
Noon Second bus tour of Kyabram
2pm Meet and greet and Event Register at Kyabram Town Hall
2.30pm Barry Churches, president, Kyabram Cannery Centenary Committee, Acknowledgement of Country, Welcome.
Message from Graham Watt (Skew-wiff)
2.35pm Authors, The Journey to Here — Geoff Allemand and Peter Matthews
2.40pm Marg Richards — Kyabram Cannery Centenary Committee, Presentations to our honoured guests (June Steel, Joy Kohn, Kelvin West, Isabel Hunter, June Stewart and Isobel Attwood)
2.45pm Ross Mudford, Manufacturing Manager, Henry Jones Foods — IXL (1996-2004)
Nelson Beatty — Director of Operations, Henry Jones Foods — IXL (1992-2003)
3pm Close of official proceedings
4pm Collection of pre-ordered books and sales
Opening and viewing of Kyabram Cannery Centenary Memories of Yesterday Exhibition
6pm Informal dinner at Kyabram Club
Gold Sponsors
Kyabam Club, Kyabram and District Community Bank, Bess Wood & Family, Kyabram Cold Storage, McMaster Smith Family, Scott Collins & Family, The Sutherlands (Fred-Bev, Mark-Donna & Trevor), June Steel (née McMaster Smith), Ross Dillon, David Hannah.
Silver Sponsors
Barry Churches, Jim Higgs, Fitzgerald’s Farm Fresh Meats, Laidlaw Family, Morrison & Sawers, Jim & Ann Lally.
Bronze Sponsors
Stewart & Christine Anderson, Ian Collie Pharmacy, BW & MT Dillon, Margaret Evans, Geoff and Betty Forryan, RA & CJ Kohn, Ross Mudford, Ian and Anne Puckey, Audrey Ratcliffe • Reflex Sports & Massage, Wayne & Norma Sefton-Rowston, Adrienne Smith.